Reflection on Social Media Case 8: Pastor's 10% to God

To start off this was an interesting case study. It makes me angry for the server and really all servers that are constantly being treated like tips are optional. I understand if they work somewhere that pays them an hourly wage of more than $2 an hour tips aren’t the most important thing but for most servers that isn’t the case. I can understand why the servers friend would post the receipt on the internet and I don’t think she deserved to be fired for it. Yes, it was a violation of the pastor’s privacy but also I don’t blame her for posting it. I think she had everyone right to post that because she was angry and wanted to see how ignorant people can be but I do think she should’ve blurred out the name or crossed it out so everyone on the internet couldn’t see who she was talking about. So no, I don’t think she should have been fired but yes there should have been consequences This article is talking about how a few years ago in Utah a bill got defeated that would have raised servers minimum wage from $2.13 to $7.25. The bill did not pass leaving the minimum wage for servers at $2.13 in Utah. You can see from that number why servers rely so heavily on tips to support themselves. I understand that tipping can be confusing and sometimes you aren’t sure how much to do or what is enough, this article gives tips to know how much to tip your server.

I understand why the pastor got so angry that her name had been released all over the internet and her reputation had been “ruined” but I think it was a good lesson for her to learn. People are constantly posting things that happen to them all over the internet. This will be a lesson for her to learn anything you leave in someone else’s hands could end up on the internet. Now if this is ethical is not is up for debate but it is the reality behind social media today.


  1. I agree with you that tipping is not an optional thing to do! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I liked your post emma, I agree that I don't think she should have been fired!

  3. I don't think the restaurant was part of the pastor's job. I do think it shows some of who the pastor was.

  4. I do not think tipping is optional either, great post!


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